Supporting the families of tomorrow
Shahan and Aida Güler came to be residents in the community by a lucky twist of fate forty years ago.

It was simple to do. It’s a decision that’s made us very happy.
Shahan Güler

The greatest impact
The Gülers have deepened their support for the hospital by leaving MSH Foundation as a beneficiary in their Wills. “After we did a lot of research, we realized that directing our giving right here in our local area would have the greatest impact,” explains Shahan. “It was simple to do. It’s a decision that’s made us very happy.”
“Our hospital always touches our lives,” adds Aida. “There’s no greater blessing to me than the thought that we are helping the families of tomorrow be healthy, happy… and together.”
Legacy donors like the Gülers make a profound difference in shaping the future landscape of health care. Bequests of every size are vitally important to our hospital’s future, making sure that the staff at MSH can continue to deliver the exceptional care that the community needs.
Most of all, the Gülers have found peace of mind in their meaningful commitment. “We are making sure that our family is well cared for,” says Shahan.
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