Supporting the families of tomorrow

Shahan and Aida Güler came to be residents in the community by a lucky twist of fate forty years ago.

Growing with the community

Shahan and Aida Güler came to be residents in the community by a lucky twist of fate forty years ago. Shahan, a former real estate broker, was booked to show a house to a client in Unionville—a budding neighbourhood in Markham at the time. When he saw the house, he instantly fell in love with it for his own family. He brought Aida and their kids to see it, and they felt the same. And so, they bought the house and Markham quickly became their home.

Since then, the Gülers have spent four decades in Markham’s vibrant and growing community. “We love the area—and have watched it grow over the years, along with the hospital,” says Aida. Adding that she remembers when “the hospital was in the middle of farmland!”

Oak Valley Health’s Markham Stouffville Hospital (MSH) is a place Shahan and Aida have come to know well. They have dedicated their time and generosity to MSH Foundation as donors and volunteers. Both Shahan and Aida adore children, and were thrilled to be a part of the Bear Necessities campaign. In Winter 2023, they put smiles on the faces of so many patients in need of support by delivering donor-gifted teddy bears, and matching the donations made that Giving Tuesday.

Coming home to MSH

Now that Shahan and Aida’s children are grown—with children of their own—the couple travels extensively in their free time. During one of their trips overseas, another twist of fate made them realize how important it is to have a hospital like MSH close to home.

While abroad in 2022, Aida was struck by a motorcycle and her hip was left broken from the accident. She had hip surgery in the country they were visiting, but unfortunately, she was still limping when they were finally able to return to Canada six weeks later.

The Gülers went to MSH immediately and it was quickly discovered that a short prosthesis—a type of implant sometimes used in orthopaedic rehabilitation—was the cause of Aida’s limp. She was scheduled for emergency surgery with orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Kevin Koo, followed by physiotherapy that Aida diligently followed. “With Dr. Koo’s expertise and dedication, Aida recovered well,” recalls Shahan with relief.

Over the years, Aida has also had knee surgeries at MSH, and Shahan has relied on the hospital for his own health care issues. The exceptional care they’ve received there has made staunch supporters of the Gülers. “My whole family has reason to thank the dedicated teams at MSH,” says Shahan. “That’s why Aida and I became such devoted supporters. If the hospital needs to buy a new piece of equipment, then we are thrilled that our gifts can make that possible.”

It was simple to do. It’s a decision that’s made us very happy.

Shahan Güler

The greatest impact

The Gülers have deepened their support for the hospital by leaving MSH Foundation as a beneficiary in their Wills. “After we did a lot of research, we realized that directing our giving right here in our local area would have the greatest impact,” explains Shahan. “It was simple to do. It’s a decision that’s made us very happy.”  

“Our hospital always touches our lives,” adds Aida.  “There’s no greater blessing to me than the thought that we are helping the families of tomorrow be healthy, happy… and together.”

Legacy donors like the Gülers make a profound difference in shaping the future landscape of health care. Bequests of every size are vitally important to our hospital’s future, making sure that the staff at MSH can continue to deliver the exceptional care that the community needs.

Most of all, the Gülers have found peace of mind in their meaningful commitment. “We are making sure that our family is well cared for,” says Shahan.

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Our Stories

Stories of care and compassion and the power of your help.
Supporting the families of tomorrow
Close to home
Beyond their practice
Hope amidst diagnosis
A nineteen year journey of giving and volunteering
Survival and gratitude
Resilience through adversity
The Morris Family: Defining Their Legacy
Finding a safe place through therapy at MSH
A lifetime of kindness
Finding comfort and hope at MSH
Lighting the way to more efficient treatment
Season of Giving, Season of Care
A good news story
Generations of generosity
State-of-the-art care
At the centre of care
Family ties
A dynamic duo
The road back to health